After an intensive restoration project on the titular painting of the Capuchins church in Victoria, Bishop Anton Teuma and Capuchins provincial Ivan Scicluna recently placed the golden crowns back on the heads of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus during Mass marking the 71st anniversary of the coronation of the painting.

The crowns were temporarily removed for the restoration works to be carried out.

The Our Lady of Divine Grace painting is an ex-voto commemorating an annual procession from the Gozo cathedral to the chapel of Our Lady of Graces. This votive procession was held as a sign of gratitude to the Virgin Mary who spared Gozitans from a severe earthquake that hit Gozo on January 11, 1693.

After a while, the Cathedral Chapter commissioned a new altarpiece to renowned artist Stefano Erardi (1630-1716).

The painting depicts the Virgin Mary interceding for the Gozitans with Jesus and, in the lower section, a portrayal of the procession with the relic of St Ursula, patron saint of Gozo. The Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus were solemnly crowned on January 27, 1952.

In the past 70 years, the crowns were stolen twice. In the first instance, the crowns were retrieved, but the second time, they had to be commissioned again since they were never found.



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