Judicial system

The Bolivian Episcopal Conference permanent council said “it is urgent to have an adequate and impartial judicial system that restores confidence and hope to people who are victims of the delay and manipulation of justice”. They added that there is a “loss of all credibility among the population” [which] has raised increasing demands for a profound and radical reform, which guarantees an administration of justice that is fair, transparent and free of all political and social pressure.

“What the people want is for the administration of justice to act in strict compliance with the laws, with transparency, autonomy and in respect for the truth.”


Sense of belonging

Addressing the International Theological Symposium on the Priesthood on February 17, Pope Francis said:

“One of the distinctive marks of our society of ‘networks’ is people’s growing sense of being ‘orphaned’. Though connected to everybody and everything, we lack the feeling of belonging, which is more than mere connectivity. The closeness of a pastor makes it possible to gather a community and foster the growth of that sense of belonging. We belong to God’s holy and faithful people, which is called to be a sign of the breaking of the kingdom of heaven into the here and now of history.”


Fearless bishops

Angola’s bishops released a very bold statement in preparation to the elections that will be held in August.

In a February 7 statement, the bishops’ conference said Angola is being squeezed by “fearful poverty, loss of purchasing power, galloping unemployment, degradation of habits, empty dialogue between the parties and society, and high levels of intolerance”.

The bishops also echoed the fear that the elections could be rigged.

“Much reflection and dialogue are needed, and everything must be done so the parties do not assume more importance than the nation,” said the bishops.


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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