Think of the children

During an audience with students and teachers of the National Network of ‘Schools for Peace’ on April 19, Pope Francis said:

“Think of the children who are in war, think of the Ukrainian children who have forgotten how to smile… Pray for these children, keep them in your heart… the children who are at war. Think of the children of Gaza, under fire, hungry…

“I wish for you always to be impassioned by the dream of peace! I say so with the motto of Don Lorenzo Milani, the prior of Barbiana, who opposed ‘I don’t care’, typical of mindless indifference, with the ‘I care’, that is, ‘I take it to heart’, ‘I am interested’. May all this be dear to you, may you always care about the fate of our planet and your fellow human beings; may you care about the future that is opening before us, so that it may truly be as God dreams it for all: a future of peace and beauty for all humanity.”


Call to remove Rupnik mosaics

The council of the Washington, DC, Knights of Columbus, has asked the executive of the Knights to remove the mosaics created by disgraced artist Fr Marko Rupnik from the shrine’s Redemptor Hominis church and the Luminous Mysteries chapel.

Rupnik has been accused of sexually abusing religious sisters while creating his works of art in several churches and countries.


‘We are all irreplaceable’

In his Angelus address last Sunday, Pope Francis said the image of the Good Shepherd shows us how Jesus sees each of us as “important, irreplaceable, worth the infinite price of his life”. The pope said: “Jesus truly gave his life for me, he died and rose again for me, because he loves me and he finds in me a beauty that I often do not see myself.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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