‘Not a private playground’

The bishops of Nigeria (CBCN) condemned abuses in the liturgy, particularly Mass:

“It is with deep concern and righteous indignation that we observe an alarming increase in aberrations during worship across our nation. The liturgy is not a private playground for personal innovation. It is a sacred trust, handed down by the Church, which must be celebrated according to the established norms and traditions.”


Monetising Christianity

Emeka Umeagbalasi, director of the International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law, a Catholic-inspired Nigerian NGO known as “Intersociety”, told Crux that missionaries now “preach the gospel of prosperity that will bring people to the Church focusing on instant miracles to the people so that the Church would be full. … Christian leaders no longer care about societal decency, faith decency. No matter how evil-minded somebody is, once you can bring money, you are canonised. … Christ, who is the author and finisher of the faith, was never monetised. He never compromised. Despite all the attacks, he insisted on delivering his mission.”


Do I stand in awe?

Pope Francis, during his Angelus address last Sunday, August 18, spoke about the Eucharist:

“Jesus takes care of the greatest need: he saves us, nourishing our lives with his own, and he will do this forever. And it is thanks to him that we can live in communion with God and with each other. The living and true bread is not, therefore, something magical, no. It is not something that will immediately solve all problems, but it is the very body of Christ, that gives hope to the poor and overcomes the arrogance of those who gorge themselves at their expense.

“Let us ask ourselves, then, brothers and sisters: do I hunger and thirst for salvation, not just for myself, but for all my brothers and sisters? When I receive the Eucharist, which is the miracle of mercy, do I stand in awe before the body of the Lord, who died and rose again for us?”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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