Communion and giving

In his Angelus address on July 28, Pope Francis spoke about that Sunday’s Gospel:

“In the mass, it is the Communion, when together we approach the altar to receive the Body and Blood of Christ: the fruit of everyone’s gift transformed by the Lord into food for all. It is a beautiful moment, that of communion, which teaches us to live every gesture of love as a gift of grace, both for those who give it and those who receive it.

“Let us ask ourselves: do I truly believe that, by the grace of God, I have something unique to give to my brothers and sisters, or do I feel anonymously ‘one among many’? Am I active in giving good? Am I grateful to the Lord for the gifts with which he continuously manifests his love? Do I live sharing with others as a moment of encounter and mutual enrichment?”


Armaments, hunger, Olympics

During the same occasion the pope spoke of the relationship of the production of weapons that “contradicts the spirit of brotherhood of the Olympic Games”.

“And while there are many people in the world who suffer due to disasters and hunger, we continue to produce and sell weapons and burn resources fuelling wars, large and small. This is an outrage that the international community should not tolerate, and it contradicts the spirit of brotherhood of the Olympic Games that have just begun. Let us not forget, brothers and sisters: war is defeat!”


Praying the psalms

In La Croix International, Fr Jeffrey F. Kirby wrote:

“The Church prays with an open heart and a docile spirit. She welcomes the Holy Spirit and pines for the coming of the Lord. The faithful are to know the prayers contained in the Sacred Scriptures, especially the psalms. These prayers are the highest expression of the human spirit yearning to see God and have union with him. The psalms, along with the various canticles, hymns, songs and prayers throughout the bible, are to be a ready resource to help the faithful as they labour to pray.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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