Pope’s warning on education

Addressing Uniservitate’s fifth global symposium, Pope Francis warned: “Today’s globalisation entails a risk for education, namely a process of levelling in the direction of certain programmes that are often subservient to political and economic interests. This trend to uniformity conceals forms of ideological conditioning which distort the work of education, making it an instrument of interests quite different from the promotion of human dignity and the search for truth.” He added: “Catholic schools of every kind and level are called to courageously make whatever changes are necessary, letting their activities be inspired by the teaching of Jesus, our common teacher.”


Called to enrich others

The pope told members of an association in Vienna that assists the homeless: “One thing unites us all: we are brothers and sisters, we are children of one Father. It is not true that some give and others only receive. We are all givers and receivers – we need each other, and are called to enrich each other. This does not happen only through material gifts, but also through a smile, a small gesture of friendship, a kind look, a ready ear, a good deed.”


On giving blood

Addressing members of the Italian Federation of Voluntary Blood Donors, the pope said: “You freely give to others an important part of yourself, your blood, and you know the happiness that comes from sharing. In a world contaminated by individualism, that often sees the other as an enemy to defeat rather than a brother to encounter, your selfless and anonymous gesture is a sign that conquers indifference and solitude, overcomes boundaries and breaks down barriers. I invite you to experience blood donation not only as an act of human generosity, but also as a journey of spiritual growth on the path of the solidarity that unites us in Christ.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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