From profit to equity
At a meeting with members of the Guardia di Finanza on September 21, the feast of St Matthew, Pope Francis said:
“Matthew, in a certain sense, moved from the logic of profit to that of equity. But, in the school of Jesus, he also went beyond equity and justice, and came to know gratuitousness, the gift of self that generates solidarity, sharing, inclusion. Gratuitousness is not just a financial dimension, it is a human dimension. Entering into the service of others, freely, without seeking profit for oneself. Because while justice is necessary, justice is not enough to fill those gaps that only gratuitousness, charity and love can heal.”
The ‘nones’ have it
Pew Research found that the ‘nones’ – those who are not affiliated to a religious group – in the US today account for 28% and are thus the largest group in the country. Catholics make up 20% of the population.
All the Protestants combined account for 41%, but are divided along sectarian lines. In 2004, 60% of Americans were against the legal recognition of same-sex unions; by 2023, 63% supported it. In 2007, 63% said abortion should be legal in all cases; by 2022 that number had risen to 85%.
No to culture of denial
Archbishop Dermot Farrell, the Primate of Ireland, on September 21, spoke of a “culture of denial” with respect to sexual abuse:
“It is vital that we come to recognise the dynamics of denial and address them. Not just the call of the Gospel, but basic human justice, demands that we not dismiss the witness of those who suffered abuse, but recognise their continuing hurt and suffering, and begin to come to terms with the fact that this darkness has roots deep within ourselves.
“When that darkness finds itself masked by outward displays of piety and exterior appearances of service, its destructive potential is amplified. Report after report, victim after victim, testifies to the horror unleashed by this manifestation of evil.”
(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)