A total 2,880.9 GWh of electricity was supplied in 2022, an increase of 7.8% when compared to a year earlier.
The National Statistics Office said that the electricity supply in Malta comprised of net generation from power plants (67.5%), supply from net imports (22.2%) and renewable sources (10.3%).
In 2022, the gross production consisting of the electricity supplied from power plants and renewables amounted to 2,293.5 GWh.
July featured the highest amount of gross production with 249.0 GWh.
Electricity production from power plants registered an increase of 2.3% when compared to the previous year amounting to 1,996.5 GWh. Energy harvested from renewable sources registered an increase of 12.9%, reaching 297 GWh in 2022. Most of the renewable energy (97.5%) was produced from photovoltaic panels.
During 2022, a total of 646.1 GWh were imported through the interconnector, an increase of 18.1% when compared to the previous year.
At 318.8 GWh, July had the highest amount of electricity supplied during 2022 with a share of 11.1%. This was followed by August (317.2 GWh) having a share of 11% of the amount of electricity supplied.
July and August featured the highest electricity demand, registering 581 MW and 575 MW respectively during 2022. The annual average demand registered in 2022 was 473 MW – an increase of 8% when compared to the previous year.
In 2022, GHG emissions from fuel combustion in power plant sources increased by 3.1% over the situation in 2021.