President George Vella has called on election candidates to be honest, sincere, and transparent in their commitments and to place the people's interests first.

In a message issued in the wake of the announcement of the general election, he urged the candidates to clearly state their goals and the means they intend to employ to achieve them.

"They should be unequivocal in order not to give rise to any surprises or misinterpretation in their implementation later on," he said.

"The people deserve the highest respect for their intelligence and for the trust they bestow on those who will represent their interests in the running of our country."

The president also called for moderation and respect in the language used during the election campaign.

"One does not need to use defamatory words and insults, not least unnecessary accusations, especially if based on unfounded allegations.

"The people are tired of listening to attacks and words of division. Our country needs unity and mutual respect. We may disagree, but it is important to show respect for each other. Our criticism must not be destructive in nature, but ideally made to offer better alternatives," he said. 

He also called on the regulatory authorities to carry out their duties scrupulously, carefully, impartially, and with all the responsibilities that come with the regulatory function they are entrusted with.

The voting public was also urged to do its duty at the ballot box.

"The choices we make today can have a huge impact on how we will deal with the problems and make the best use of the opportunities that our country will face in the coming years.

 "This choice must be made following serious reflection. This choice is not about personal interests, but rather about creating the greatest prosperity possible, for the benefit and wellbeing of the largest possible number of citizens. This choice must prioritise the common good, not sectoral or personal interests," he said. 



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