Palazzo Caraffa, situated in Old Bakery Street, Valletta, originally belonged to Fra D. Carlo Caraffa, Prior of Rocella (1641-1693), whose name it bears. He joined the Order of Saint John in 1663. 

Michael Gonzi, Archbishop of Malta, entrusted the palace to the Catholic Action for the use of its male branch as their main centre in 1944.

Given the current disagreement over the restoration process, recently undertaken, the Catholic Cultural

Heritage Commission would like to affirm that it lauds and supports the efforts being made to professionally restore this palace, which had, unfortunately, been left in a derelict state.

The commission acknowledges that various alterations have been made to the original fabric of the palace, particularly in the 20th century.

Since such alterations have not always respected the architectural integrity of the palace as originally built, the commission fully supports the research and efforts which are now being made to restore the palace to its original beauty and integrity.

The commission acknowledges that certain elements of a utilitarian nature that were added in the post-war period violate this integrity since they have hidden away, or destroyed, determinative original decorative elements. 

As part of the ongoing restoration, any elements removed are to be documented and due reference to the various uses of the building throughout its history can be preserved through photographic means. 

The Catholic Cultural Heritage Commission is suggesting that a part of the restored site be reserved as an exhibition space documenting the historical development of the site and its various uses.

Maria Grazia Cassar – president, Catholic Cultural Heritage Commission, Rev. Edgar Vella – secretary, Rev. Nicholas Joseph Doublet – member, Floriana

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