Opposition leader Bernard Grech slammed Prime Minister Robert Abela for being a "dangerous" leader saying he is indecisive, hides away from the truth and does not learn from past mistakes. 

“Robert Abela is not only indecisive, he is also dangerous and does not learn from past mistakes. He continues to hide from the media, but does not mind splashing a journalist’s face on a billboard. This, during the same legislature in which a journalist was killed. He has learnt absolutely nothing,” Grech said. 

A Labour billboard featuring the face of blogger Manuel Delia was condemned both locally and internationally, leading the party to replace it.

Grech, who was addressing a sizeable gathering in Naxxar on Sunday afternoon, said of the Prime Minister:

“When you ask him about (his predecessor) Joseph Muscat, he does not reply, when you ask him about (suspected money launderer) Christian Borg, he does not reply. He is scared of transparency. Abela, you have an obligation to the people and to tell the truth.”

Grech recapped a number of proposals unveiled during the two weeks of the election campaign saying the PN's vision went beyond the next five years. It was also in support of future generations.

Labour, on the other hand, still had no electoral program and continued to copy the PN. "They are a party with no vision," he said adding that the PN "is the alternative this country needs”.

He appealed to those who had not yet picked up their voting documents to do so and urged those who are not sure if they will vote on March 26 to read the Nationalist Party's manifesto. 

“This program is the key to new opportunities, we can build a stronger future together if you pick the Nationalist Party,” Grech said.

He said the PN's electoral program was also a work in progress as party members continued to consult and listen to the people.

Bernard Grech and his wife Anne Marie in Naxxar. Photo: PNBernard Grech and his wife Anne Marie in Naxxar. Photo: PN

“We need mature and serious politicians, politicians who can take tough decisions. Our Prime Minister does not take any decisions, and when he does he takes them too late.”

Giving an example, he said the government took over a week before deciding to stop selling citizenship to Russians. 

“The Prime Minister tried to make it seem like I have something against Russians. I have nothing against Russians, or those Russians who have made Malta their home. Those people are part of this country and we are also working to provide them and their families with a better future,” he said.

Ukraine's place is in the EU

He again expressed solidarity with Ukraine as some supporters taking part in the event waved the Ukainian flags they were carrying.

“We believe that Ukraine should formally join the EU. It will make the EU stronger and the EU will make Ukraine stronger. Meanwhile, we must continue to show solidarity with our European neighbour.”

He said that in 20 days’ time the country must take a difficult decision but it must not be led by emotion. 

"If we do not want to see more young people leaving this country because they do not see a future here, use this election to ensure that. I am here to provide you and every Maltese and Gozitan with a better and strong future," Grech promised.

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