Get ready to sizzle with this singer’s entry, called DNA, which she describes as very sexy, very modern and a total departure from the typical Malta Eurovision Song Contest entries we’re used to seeing.

“It’s all about when two people connect unexpectedly and for real. They discover the gene to love, which gets their red-hot passion, their lust, their love, to run deep...deep... deeper into their DNA.”

Right. Well, Romina is no stranger to this contest so chances are that if she says her song is different to the norm, then it really is. The singer already took part in 2003 and 2005 in fact.

“I started taking an interest in singing way back, when I’d always look forward to singing songs from the cartoons I watched when little. Eventually my interest developed into something more serious. I used to admire the style of singers like Celine Dion and Sarah Brightman, but nowadays I have to admit I don’t have a favourite singer. I just enjoy taking in different styles, different voices...”

Romina is one busy bee and it’s not just because the big night is with us. She typically leaps out of bed at six, so that by eight in the morning she is delivering the first lesson at the Kulleġġ San Benedittu Boys’ Secondary in Kirkop. The drive from B’kara to Kirkop is a heck of a long one, she points out, particularly during rush hour. School finishes at half past two: after that it’s time to prepare the following day’s lessons, correcting homework etc. Evenings are equally busy as Romina also follows evening lectures at university until half past eight. These are sometimes followed by rehearsals or singing performances...yep, it’s definitely a long day for the singer!

About Malta’s participation in the European contest, she has this to say:

“I disagree with those who say that Malta should not take part anymore because we haven’t won yet. Sometimes we take things too seriously, and rightly so too, but we shouldn’t think that we always have to win!  After all we had some great results, we’ve placed third and second twice. And there are many contestants who have never won!”

Having said that, Romina does believe that we need a better public relations campaign to reach more countries.

“We really should advertise the beauty of our country more, making Eurovision lovers want to visit Malta!”

Getting to know Romina 

On her MP3 player: DNA, the songs from the CD she launched last October and a number of songs for which she had to learn the lyrics. 

Web addiction? Yes, for work, studying and keeping in touch with friends.

Favourite gadget? Used to be the mobile phone, now it’s the pen-drives and the Android tablet.

Favourite fast food: Mostly chicken wraps, due to a delicate stomach.

Her outfit for the night: Mainly black.

Day person or night owl? Bit of both. 

Best destination ever? Disneyland - been there six times. 

Wants to visit: America.

Wants to retire: In Malta.

Drives: a Toyota Starlet.

Pets? Her sister’s three birds.





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