Sunday Run Club Malta, a community-driven initiative that combines fitness with meaningful causes, is organising a Santa Hat Run on Sunday, December 15, with the aim of supporting Puttinu Cares and bringing joy to children undergoing cancer treatment. 

The five-kilometre race will kick off at Dr Juice, Sliema, at 8.15am. Participants are encouraged to bring along age-appropriate gifts which will be donated to children under the care of Puttinu. For safety reasons, no plush or soft toys will be accepted. Suggested gifts are dolls, cars (ages two to five) and Lego (ages six+).

For those unable to bring a gift, monetary donations are being accepted on These will be used to purchase gifts on their behalf. The gifts will be delivered directly to Puttinu Cares following the event.

To sign up for the run, log on to

The event is sponsored by Dr Juice and Toyland Malta. For more information about the Sunday Run Club, visit or its Facebook and Instagram accounts.

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