Russia’s top diplomat in the UK hinted yesterday that British officials might have “orchestrated” newspaper stories about the arrest of an MP’s assistant for allegedly spying for Moscow.

Alexander Sternik, charge d’affaires at the Russian Embassy in London, said there were “some quarters” who wanted to undermine improving relations between the two countries.

He also disclosed that Russian consular officials have still not been allowed access to Ekaterina Zatuliveter, 25, who was detained a week ago amid suspicions she used her position as an assistant to Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock to pass information to Russian intelligence.

Mr Sternik suggested that media reports about the case, first revealed by the Sunday Times, were a “PR stunt” to distract from “more acute and tangible problems” like the WikiLeaks release of embarrassing US diplomatic cables and England’s failed bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

Asked if he thought British officials were behind the stories, he said: “I strongly hope that this is a spontaneous, sporadic and not orchestrated campaign against Russia because it goes against the current of improving Russian-British relations.

“I simply do not see how anybody could be interested in spoiling these positive trends in such an obvious and blunt manner.”

But he added: “It is very conspicuous that as soon as the green shoots show through the rubble in the Russian-British relationship, these sorts of scandals break out. That’s a fact of life.”

Mr Sternik, temporary head of Russia’s mission in London until a new ambassador arrives from Moscow early next year, was critical of the Foreign Office’s failure to alert the embassy about Miss Zatuliveter’s arrest.

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