Saint James Hospital Group has inaugurated a new day case ward at its Sliema facility. This follows an investment of nearly €1 million, providing a new standard that will be adopted across all the group’s facilities.

Activity at Saint James Hospital (Capua) in Sliema witnessed an increase in the last few years, leading to a shortage of beds becoming a more regular occurrence. Thus, a major project was undertaken to refurbish the second floor of the hospital, which was not utilised for the last 10 years and will now house a first-class 18- private room Dayward.

This floor was inaugurated on January 10 and it will now cater for all day case admissions and surgeries (those surgeries and admissions that do not require an overnight stay). This will allow the third and fourth floor wards to focus on the more challenging and complex type of care.

The new Dayward is equipped with the latest technology focusing on the patients’ comfort and accessibility, and has been refurbished to a five-star standard with various multifunction abilities and thoughtful colour schemes to create a soothing, warm and calming environment. This level of finish will now become the new standard that will be adopted across all the Saint James Hospital Group.

St James Hospital in Sliema.St James Hospital in Sliema.

All pictures in the patients rooms have been custom-designed by artist Stephanie Borg and their design, hues and finishes are intended to represent a patient’s journey.

“The recovery process is what inspired me to adopt a gradated colour effect – just like the colours, we strive to go from strength to strength in our rehabilitation journey,” Borg said.

 The inauguration was addressed by the Saint James Hospital Group CEO Jean Claude Muscat who underlined that this investment reaffirms Saint James Hospital Group’s continuous commitment to the pursuit of excellence in patient care based on the group’s core values of a passion for excellence, mutual respect, personal responsibility and teamwork.

He added that the Saint James Hospital Group continues to earn a reputation for excellence and innovation, backed by the latest state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly-qualified professional personnel.

“We want Saint James Hospital to be the natural choice for an individual when seeking private medical treatment. We remain fully committed to continue to invest in the very best in modern technology supported by the island’s most renowned medical professionals and maintaining a dynamic and motivated workforce which has become the flagship of our group,” Muscat concluded.

 The inauguration was also addressed by Archbishop Charles Scicluna before imparting his blessing. He emphasised how the warmth of human care is the most important aspect of any therapy.

“Being treated with dignity, with care, has an effect on the human spirit that we are not able to fathom. My prayer today is that the standard you set is followed in other places, by other people, for the good of our nation, for the good of the Mediterranean base.”

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