An artist has captured 30 old scenes of the islands in an effort to ‘preserve’ the beauty of Malta and Gozo that “vandals are destroying”.
The set of 30 reproductions were commissioned by Salesian priest Fr Charles Cini and are to be sold in aid of St Patrick’s Salesian School.
The help of Italian art experts was sought to choose the right type of frame to complete the paintings.
“The artist, Frank Schembri, carried out a detailed study and captured in colour 30 very old scenes of the islands, using the media experienced artists employed and keeping in mind our love for this country and our responsibility to care for the gifts of nature given to us by God,” said Cini, the Salesians’ art curator.

“In other words, he went back to the past to recapture the beauty and fascination of the old Malta and Gozo. Our modern vandals are destroying these enchanting treasures that God created.”
The Salesians of Don Bosco, he said, believe that culture, beauty and art play an important role in one’s life.
Fr Charles recalled what Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) had said about art: “Creative art, which is the soul’s good fortune to entertain, is to be identified with that essential art, which is God Himself…”
He also referred to a letter St John Paul II had sent to artists. In it, he had declared: “None can sense more deeply than you, artists, ingenious creators of beauty that you are something of the pathos with which God, at the dawn of creation, looked upon the work of His hands…
Our modern vandals are destroying these enchanting treasures that God created
“Society needs artists as it needs scientists, technicians, workers, professional people, witnesses of the faith, teachers, fathers and mothers who ensure the growth of the person and the development of the community by means of that supreme art form, which is ‘the art of education’…
“Beauty is a key of the mystery and a call to transcendence…”
It is against this background that the Salesians decided to hold this fundraising activity consisting of a limited number of reproductions of old scenic paintings of the two islands, Fr Charles noted.
The reproductions are available in three sizes: 6 x 30cm x 40cm, 8 x 42cm x 20cm and 16 x 25cm x 35cm.
The Salesians have been in Malta since 1903. St Patrick’s School was their first house, now catering for young people who need love, care and a home. The school’s mission is to make them independent and prepare them to face life in a positive and healthy way.
Anyone interested in viewing the paintings should call Fr Charles Cini, SDB on 7949 2555 or send an e-mail to: