‘Sea Our Future’ was the theme of San Anton School’s Community Social Engagement Programme for the past scholastic year, which aimed to engage students deeply with ocean literacy to raise awareness about marine pollution and related issues. The theme was woven into numerous cross-curricular events throughout the year, organised in collaboration with the NGO Żibel and other partners.

At the school’s science fair, students presented 28 investigative projects centred on ocean literacy. Its ‘Human Library’ event featured eight external speakers who facilitated problem-based learning on marine topics.

Students conducting experiments during the ‘Sea Our Future’ Science Fair.

Students conducting experiments during the ‘Sea Our Future’ Science Fair.

Andrew Schembri from NGO Żibel facilitating students’ problem-based learning on marine topics during the Human Library event.

Andrew Schembri from NGO Żibel facilitating students’ problem-based learning on marine topics during the Human Library event.

During the school’s open day and theatre performances, original scripts about sharks and coral reefs highlighted the importance of marine conservation. Other events included coastal learning trails and art installations.

Students taking part in a theatre performance about sharks and coral reefs.

Students taking part in a theatre performance about sharks and coral reefs.

A student taking part in a coastal learning trail.

A student taking part in a coastal learning trail.

An exhibit at the ‘Sea Our Future’ Open Day.

An exhibit at the ‘Sea Our Future’ Open Day.

School head Bernadette Stivala displaying the European Blue School Status awarded to the school.School head Bernadette Stivala displaying the European Blue School Status awarded to the school.

The school’s dedication to marine education through project-based learning was honoured with the award of the prestigious European Blue School Status for the scholastic year, making it the first school in Malta to receive this certification from the EU4Ocean Coalition, funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

The school’s dedication to marine education through project-based learning was honoured with the award of the prestigious European Blue School Status for the scholastic year

The school community’s support extended beyond educational activities. Several fundraising events were held throughout the year, raising €8,000 for the NGO Żibel, founded by Old Antonian Andrew Schembri, to contribute to its ongoing efforts to combat marine pollution.

School head Bernadette Stivala presenting funds to NGO Żibel founder Andrew Schembri.School head Bernadette Stivala presenting funds to NGO Żibel founder Andrew Schembri.

While this year’s ‘Sea Our Future’ programme has concluded, its impact is expected to endure as it has inspired the school’s students and the broader community to continue safeguarding our seas for generations to come.

The school’s Community Social Engagement Programme is the brainchild of its late headmaster Sandro Spiteri. It was originally launched in November 2021 as an annual initiative to unite the school community to give back to society through various charitable activities.

The programme seamlessly integrates educational elements across all the school’s sectors, promoting social-emotional learning by fostering empathy, care for others and socially responsible mindsets.

With support from educators, there was a significant evolution in the programme in the past scholastic year where the focus shifted from being primarily on philanthropy to a greater emphasis on education.

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