The SDM Christian Democratic Students have won the University Students' Council elections.

Turnover was 50 per cent (6,630), considerably higher than previous years. Online voting was introduced this year.

The SDM won 58% of votes cast.

SDM won all 11 seats, which went to Carla Galea (who becomes president), Luke Abela, William Farrugia, Eman Haber, Joseph Farrugia, Clint Vassallo, Karin Cassar, Naomi Attard, Christian Aquilina, Celine Bartolo and Matthew John Dougall.

The university council election uses the first past the post system, with the winning group taking all the seats in the council.

PN leader Adrian Delia congratulated SDM. He said the election showed how democracy was alive and kicking at the university. He also congratulated rival students' group Pulse and independent candidates. 


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