Seifert Systems has appointed Philipp Seifert as general manager for the Seifert facility in Malta. The appointment came into effect on January 1.

Philipp will be taking up the overall day-to-day responsibilities for the running of Seifert in Malta. Michael R. Seifert will retain the position of CEO and chairman of the Seifert Group.

Philipp graduated with a BA in management and economics in 2017 from the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and joined the company in 2019 in the IT Department. He was appointed operations manager in 2020.

He is an elected member on the council of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. He also sits on the board of the Malta Business Bureau and is chairman of the German-Maltese Business Chamber. Philipp is also the MCCEI representative on the National Productivity Board.

Building on our past growth

Seifert Systems was established in Germany in 1965 by Philipp’s grandfather, Rolf Seifert, providing cooling solutions for the electronics industry. Seifert set up a factory in Malta in 1991, led by Michael R. Seifert, Philipp’s father.

Since then, the company grew from a small operation into a fully-fledged manufacturing organisation. Seifert Systems is probably the most highly vertically integrated manufacturing company in Malta, covering a variety of diverse processes, including sheetmetal processing, in a state-of-the-art industry 4.0 factory, plastic injection and mould making, cable confectioning, end-to-end product assembly, test system development and validation, development and global certification, PCBA design and manufacturing, as well as worldwide logistics solutions.

Seifert also manufactures its own carton boxes for outer packaging of its finished products.

The company’s vision has increasingly focused on sustainable growth and development, seeking to minimise negative effects on the environment.

Seifert Systems was the first manufacturing company in Malta to be certified carbon neutral since 2020, with recertification in subsequent years with improved results, despite the steep growth. Seifert Systems provides employment for over 450 employees in Malta.

Michael R. Seifert said: “With this appointment I am looking forward to seeing Philipp continuing to build on our past growth and success.”

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