Updated 6.30pm with court details

A 28-year-old ministry messenger racked up an unpaid bill of €5,000 at an Iklin outlet with the excuse that he was being sent by Parliamentary Secretary Silvio Parnis.  

Keith Felice was jailed for three years after Mr Parnis got wind of the case and himself reported the fraud to the police earlier in the week. 

The court heard how the accused, who used to work as a messenger in Mr Parnis's private secretariat, used to make regular purchases from JB Stores in Iklin without paying. He used to tell the sales people that he had been sent by the parliamentary secretary.  

The accused used to then sell the goods to sustain his drug habit, the prosecution said. In court, Mr Felice said he had been thrown out of his parents' home and had no fixed address.

Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera condemned him to three years in prison and recommended he received professional help to kick the drug habit. 


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