Unfinished Art Space, through a collaboration with Istanbul-based Mahalla Festival, is working with curator Elyse Tonna and NGO Din l-Art Ħelwa to produce a site-specific project and exhibition at the Qalet Marku Tower. Workshops and activities have also been taking place at Santa Marija tal-Anġli Church, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.

For three weekends, from November 25 till December 10, the Qalet Marku Tower will be transformed into a site for artistic research and experimentation, with performances and installations. Over the past month, six artists have been working on-site around the tower in a project entitled Beyond What Drifts Us Apart, exploring the natural world around it, the historical narratives that it embodies, and imagining its possible role into the future.

Participating artists this year are Samuel Ciantar, Fernando P Ferreira, Charlene Galea, Alfred Graf, Marija Rasa Kudabaite, and Rakel Vella. Special guests Geġwiġija will also be hosting an event as part of the programme.

Beyond What Drifts Us Apart is part of the Creative Europe Magic Carpets Platform, led by Kaunas Biennial, and bringing together 21 European cultural organisations, which offers opportunities for emerging artists to explore little-known areas and to create, together with local communities, new works that bring to light regional particularities and traditions.

The exhibition will be open 11am – 4pm today, November 26, December 2, 3, and 9, 10, weather permitting. Suitable footwear is recommended. More information is available on unfinishedartspace.org/ projects/magiccarpets. Contact Margerita Pulè on 9943 1420 or margerita@unfinishedartspace.org for more information.

Beyond What Drifts Us Apart is co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme, Arts Council Malta, and the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport of the Republic of Austria. Thanks to Din l-Art Ħelwa, Santa Marija tal-Anġli Church in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, Malta Rangers Unit, and Naxxar Local Council.

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