Following an outline planning application submission to Mepa, Smart City Malta recently submitted the detailed planning application for Phase One. Phase One of the project will provide over 12,000 square metres of high quality office space primarily for ICT and media companies.

The submission of this application follows the highly successful launch of Phase One of Smart City Malta, which took place recently.

In its submission to Mepa, Smart City Malta also submitted a series of renderings of the first phases of the development, portraying a visualisation of how the finished township will transform Ricasoli into a state-of-the-art, self-sustained knowledge-based town. A selection of these renderings are being published for public knowledge.

Moreover, over the last weeks, Smart City Malta also submitted an exceptionally detailed Environmental Impact Assessment and Traffic Impact Study complying with the laws and regulations required by Mepa for projects of this nature. These two studies have been based on the government's and Smart City's philosophy of sustainable development, ensuring that the right balance is struck between its various facets.

Smart City Malta CEO Claudio Grech said: "This phase would witness the development of the first ICT and media landmark, to host the first local, regional and international companies that will set up in Smart City. This part of the planning process is crucial to enable us to commence the development and engage with potential business partners to be part of Smart City Malta."

Smart City will be one of a number of entities to be part of the global network of knowledge-based industry townships that Smart City seeks to develop. This global network will foster productive linkages and tap synergies between knowledge-industry centres worldwide, thereby contributing to economic development and the generation of high-value jobs.

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