The University's engineering department will be looking into how innovations such as artificial intelligence, collaborative robots, and the internet of things can be put to good use in Malta’s manufacturing sector, the government's Innovation Secretariat said on Tuesday.

The project is a collaboration between the University of Malta and the government, which is providing €75,000 in funding. 

Collaborative robots are designed to work alongside human workers to enhance productivity and safety by handling repetitive or physically demanding tasks.

The internet of things refers to a network of interconnected devices that communicate and share data in real-time to improve automation and efficiency in manufacturing.

 Parliamentary Secretary Keith Azzopardi Tanti, who is responsible for research and innovation, said smart manufacturing was one of 10 research projects  being assisted by the government. 

Video: Jonathan Borg

The projects revolve around health and well-being, the digital future, the responsible use of resources, the maritime sector, aviation, and smart manufacturing.

Another two research projects, already announced, focus on quantum computing, and the prevention of colon cancer.

Azzopardi Tanti said that innovations in manufacturing mean that the industry was now offering “careers that offer very good salaries and conditions.”

The junior minister was speaking at Seifert Systems' Malta factory. General manager Philipp Seifert said the company has embraced smart manufacturing in its operations. 

"This is a subject we live and breathe," he said. 

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