The President urged the Maltese public to spare a thought for people suffering in wars and left homeless, without shelter, and facing hunger

In his last Christmas message as President of the Republic, George Vella said thousands have become widows, or orphans while others are parents burying their children as a result of wars in places like Sudan, Ukraine, and in the Holy Land itself.

“There, at this moment in time, instead of the joy of birth, hundreds of babies are losing their lives indiscriminately.

“I am mentioning this because it is a shame that in today’s advanced world, we still see such heartbreaking scenes. I am also saying this so that we all appreciate the love and comforts surrounding us. Appreciate the beauty of peace.

In his annual speech, the president urged the public to try to find the time to take care of those going through difficult times – even through a word of comfort and solace.

This was, after all, the true spirit of Christmas, not material achievements. 

Also on behalf of his wife Miriam, the President wished the public a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of happiness, unity and health. 

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