The international magazine Modern Poetry in Translation, in collaboration with the National Book Council, has issued a call for submissions of Maltese poetry for their June/July issue.
“We are delighted and excited to be working with the National Book Council of Malta to produce a spotlight issue on Maltese poetry for our second issue of 2023, to be published in late June/early July,” said Khairani Barokka, the magazine editor. “We’re also grateful to Arts Council England for their ongoing support of our work.”
The call for submission is currently up on the MPT website here, and the deadline is April 13, 2023. MPT is looking for any kind of poetry, from the classics to brand new work, written in or translated into English from any language of Malta.
“This will be a great opportunity for Maltese translators and writers to make their work known more widely in various Anglophone worlds,” Barokka added. “We pay all contributors, and would love as many submissions as possible, so please don’t hesitate to send in your work.”
The NBC is equally delighted of this collaboration and is pleased of offering this opportunity to Maltese poets and translators alike to showcase their poetry beyond the local shores.