Maltese squid, sexy little black dresses and a Jamaican drink called Malta were the highlights of the chitchat which preceded yesterday’s Isle of MTV concert.

During a brief press conference, headline act Jason Derulo described his penchant for confident women, who made him laugh and who allowed him to share their food. And little black dresses always “did it” for him.

Jamaican artist Omi confessed that he had never heard of Malta before – except for a non-alcoholic beverage popular in Jamaica which shared the same name.

The youngest member of sibling group Echosmith gushed about the amazing plate of squid he had for dinner while DJ Martin Garrix was awed by the sheer size of the Granaries in Floriana.

Tori Kelly spoke about her humble beginnings of singing songs in her bedroom and uploading them on YouTube, revealing her crafty idea of first recording cover versions of popular songs in order to rake up the hits and secure fans before leading them to the original content she created herself.

Jason Derulo spoke about little black dresses and collaborating with Stevie Wonder. Photos: Mark Zammit CordinaJason Derulo spoke about little black dresses and collaborating with Stevie Wonder. Photos: Mark Zammit Cordina

Jason Derulo

Before going on stage, I work out. We also have this chant – a made-up song and dance – which gets us warmed up. We also say a prayer.

The key to any successful show is garnering emotion from fans, getting the crowd to feel something.

Every single time I step on stage is a highlight- Jason Derulo

Dance is an important aspect. It adds so much to a show – I think it’s a lost art. I’m here to ensure that this art continues. Every single time I step on stage is a highlight. I still get that same rush before I get on stage and that massive rush when I get off it. It’s what I live and breathe to do.

Fame has its ups and downs like any other situation. I’ll take pictures with anybody as long as I have the time – except when I’m eating.

Tori Kelly had to change her costume choice because of Malta’s scorching summer temperature.Tori Kelly had to change her costume choice because of Malta’s scorching summer temperature.

Tori Kelly

My advice to aspiring singers is to get yourself out there.

There are so many different outlets now. I never just stuck to YouTube.

I made sure I was tweeting, tried to stay on top of all social media.

My advice to aspiring singers is to get yourself out there- Tori Kelly

When you put yourself out there, people want to know more about who you are as a person rather than someone who just sings or writes songs.

It’s cool to show people other angles of your personality.

I always tell people to not compare yourself to what other artists are doing – that’s an absolute must for me.

Omi found it a bit annoying to have become known as “that guy who sings Cheerleader”.Omi found it a bit annoying to have become known as “that guy who sings Cheerleader”.


My life has changed significantly since [smash hit] Cheerleader. I’ve had a lot more travelling to do. It’s always good to travel, to experience different cultures and to meet different people.

I was the one who wrote the song which is such a big hit now- Omi

The downside to it is that you’re more tired and you have to take care of yourself.

The success of Cheerleader doesn’t make me feel pressured to write songs which outdo it. What I keep reminding myself is that I was the one who wrote the song which is such a big hit now. So if I did it before, chances are I can do it again. All I have to do is to focus and to be in the same element of creativity that I was. I’ve always been in the studio developing my catalogue way before this level of popularity and fame.

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