Beware! Marine life at the local beaches has been at risk this week. Cosy White Rocks, also known as It-Torri beach, which is a perfect place to relax after a hard day's work, has been literally whitewashed with chlorine.

The beach, perfect as it may seem, has apparently turned out to be too slippery for some of its visitors who, instead of sticking to rubber sandals, decided to spread chlorine powder abundantly over the rocks in the immediate vicinity of the sea.

The result? White Rocks became truly white together with the covering algae and other sea plants, which otherwise provide shelter for crabs and other sea creatures. It is sad to notice that nature's perfection clashes with people's desire for comfort. Should this practice be repeated, the place will certainly lose its reputation as a snorkellers' paradise, since marine flora and fauna will definitely suffer from this chemical abuse.

I am waiting impatiently for another action which will surely be the extermination of jellyfish. They sting.

Is this sea life chemical killing act part of the local council's monthly plan to rehabilitate the beach?

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