For the past 20 years, the Gozo Philatelic Society has been issuing specially-printed cards whenever a stamp or some other philatelic occasion is held or marked in Gozo.

The processional statue set, issued last Friday, features the titular statues of Għajnsielem and Kerċem.

Both papier-mâché statues were purchased from the Marseilles firm of Gallard et Fils in 1866 and 1897 respectively.

Għajnsielem parishioners forked out the money for Our Lady of Loreto (Ta’ Loretu) statue as a thanksgiving act for surviving a deadly epidemic, while Kerċem parishioner

Salvatore Grech paid for the statue of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Tas-Sokkors), replacing a wooden one considered to be too heavy to carry.

The stamp cards were produced by Gozo Philatelic Society’s vice-president Anthony Grech, supported by society member Robert Louis Grech.



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