Everyone has many wishes at Christmas but some just want to survive. That is the only thing cancer patients at Boffa Hospital, which President George Abela visited yesterday, have on their list.

Dr Abela toured the wards, accompanied by Health Minister Joe Cassar, spending time with each of the 45 patients – a lower number than usual as some get to go home at this time of the year.

The President chatted with patients undergoing chemotherapy and attached to a drip in the day ward.

His presence boosted their morale in this difficult time, showing people are united in their care, according to hospital medical superintendent Cristina Chircop.

The visit was held because, having travelled twice to the UK to support Maltese cancer patients for treatment there, Dr Abela wanted to do the same for those who were in hospital here.

The visit to Boffa, which has been refurbished in the interim period until the opening of the Oncology Centre at Mater Dei Hospital, would become an annual event on the President’s calendar, he said, willing to express his solidarity with the sick.

Dr Abela said Christmas highlighted the value of the family, a value he observed even in hospital, both through the staff and the relatives.

In times of difficulty, Maltese families supported each other, he pointed out, adding those who were suffering needed to understand “we are with them and we are feeling some of their pain”.

During his visit, the President was presented with €700, raised by the hospital staff in aid of L-Istrina.

He was also greeted by a children’s choir in Father Christmas costumes, singing the national anthem, and was later entertained by the hospital choir in the gardens.

Until the move to Mater Dei, the hospital was not abandoned and the environment was upgraded, within limits and without spending too much money, a spokesman said. The works include a new palliative ward.

However, access to the hospital, which receives about 200 outpatients a day, remains a problem, with limited parking in the Floriana area.

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