Two men are under arrest for having separately imported drugs and used an Mgarr house to manufacture synthetic drugs and other illegal substances such as GHB.

The police said that in the first case, a 25-year-old man from Bosnia was arrested at the airport after officers found eight kilos of suspected cannabis in his luggage. 

His bag was searched by Customs officers after he acted suspiciously during routine checks on passengers arriving from Bacellona. They found seven packets of the substance.

Drug-making items found in an Mgarr house. Police photo.Drug-making items found in an Mgarr house. Police photo.

In the second case, a 33-year-old from Jordan was arrested after the police found he had used his home to manufacture illegal substances.

The police had earlier confiscated a suspicious package addressed to him.

At the residence, the police found several packets containing a white substance. He is due to be taken to court on Sunday. 

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