The police have stepped up patrols in Swieqi following complaints from residents about vandalism by tourists and partygoers from nearby Paceville.

A spokesperson said that both foot and Rapid Intervention Unit (RIU) patrols have been increased during the night, to curb antisocial behaviour.

In the last few weeks, Swieqi residents have shared videos and photos on social media showing people smashing car mirrors, broken glass littering the streets and people defecating or urinating on pavements.

Mayor Noel Muscat and deputy mayor Jordan Galea Pace have been calling for police patrols in Swieqi and for the police station to be opened at night.

Opened in 2014, the station has been operating as a ‘Community Policing Office’ since August 2020, with a focus on deploying officers on the streets. 

The police spokesperson said this strategy aligned “with public preference”. A national statistics office survey indicated that 80% of people prefer a visible police presence, while 20% prioritise having a nearby station “which, in this case, is located in Balluta Bay, St Julian’s”, the police said.

Crimes like broken mirrors and smashed windows fall under the category of ‘damages’ and there have been 27 such reports up until June this year, including 18 cases of hit and run.

Statistics covering the last 20 years show a peak of 107 damages in 2013 and a significant drop since 2019 when the police received 65 reports of damages, with the numbers falling in each subsequent year.

It is not clear whether the drop in reports is partly due to the pandemic, which led to a decrease in tourist numbers, or if the station’s conversion to a policing office resulted in fewer reports.

However, the police attribute significant improvements in crime prevention over the last two decades to the enhanced use of intelligence-led policing and crime data analysis, which have informed targeted policing strategies.

The spokesperson added: “The substantial decrease in crime can also be attributed to improved cooperation between police departments, particularly the contributions of the Community Policing Team, which has been active in Swieqi since August 2020.”

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