The Malta College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on Sunday 'strongly advising' pregnant women to take the COVID-19 vaccine in view of virus complications being seen in pregnant women.

Pregnant women are being advised to consider taking a Pfizer vaccine after their 12th week of pregnancy, after consulting with their doctors. 

"Vaccination is the best way to reduce the chances of contracting COVID-19 in pregnancy and to reduce potential complications to both mother and child. COVID-19 vaccination may potentially reduce the risk of admission of the mother to intensive care, premature birth of the baby and stillbirth," the doctors said.

"It has been shown that the COVID-19 vaccine can be taken in pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the woman is trying to get pregnant she can still take the vaccine and there is also no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine affects fertility."

Times of Malta reported earlier on Sunday that of five COVID-19 patients currently in intensive care, one is a 30-year-old who is 19 weeks pregnant and is intubated. All the patients are unvaccinated.

The doctors said that up to now they were advising that only women with high risk of exposure to the virus or with high-risk medical conditions should be offered the vaccine.

"We are now revising this advice so that all pregnant women should consider taking the COVID-19 vaccine after their 12th week of pregnancy," they stressed.

In order to book an appointment for the Pfizer vaccine, pregnant women are being asked to call 145 or send an email on

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