A tarmac manufacturing plant in Ħal Far has been ordered to cease operations for 10 days after complaints about a thick plume of smoke from its chimney.

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), which issued the order, said that during this period it will conduct investigations in order to establish what is being emitted into the air and whether it has any implications on public health and the environment.

A video uploaded by Nationalist MP Herman Schiavone.

The plant may be asked to install a mechanism that will abate harmful emissions, if any.

ERA said its compliance and enforcement officers followed up complaints whenever they were made.  

"Latest reports of black smoke were immediately investigated and as a result, the manufacturing company was ordered to halt its operation for ten days," ERA said.  

Nationalist MP Herman Schiavone complained about the inconvenience and the possible health hazards of the emissions earlier in the week and later praised the environment minister for promising to take action.

Mr Schiavone later said he had spoken to the owner of the plant, who said modifications would be installed immediately.


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