The National Literacy Agency within the Ministry for Education and Employment is organising seminars for families expecting a baby, whereby in an interactive way they become aware of how they can develop the literacy skills of their children in a fun way, even before they are born. 

The seminars take place every week at the Parentcraft Services, Mater Dei Hospital, and the families may choose to participate in sessions in Maltese or English. The first seminar to be held in Gozo will take place on Saturday at the Maternity Ward of the Gozo General Hospital.  Parents/caregivers are also encouraged to participate in the Aqra Miegħi/‘Read with Me’ sessions. The free sessions take place in different localities. 

The first seminar being held at the Gozo General Hospital Maternity Ward, is on Saturday at 9am. Those wishing to attend are to access Aqra Miegħi/‘Read with Me’ Facebook page weekly schedule or call 2598 2999.

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