A teachers' union has sent a legal letter to each head of school and principal in the state sector, warning of legal action if any of its members "experiences harassment or discrimination” because of management actions.

A copy of one of the 120 legal letters was also sent to the director-general for educational sercvices, Emile Vassallo, who the union was told instructed some heads to remove extra duties, such as supervision, from learning support educators following union directives.

The union said it was notified that reading recovery teachers obeying directives had also been told that they could not participate in continuing professional development courses.   

As a “defender” of grassroots educators, the UPE is “prepared to bring to justice” anyone who flagrantly ignores the employment laws, the union said.

It said that a meeting with the permanent secretary over the matter had been sought but was declined.

It noted that Education Minister Clifton Grima was aware of the ongoing rift and said it expected him to resolve the matter.

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