Teatru Malta, the national theatre company has issued a call for auditions for four performers to join its theatre troupe. They will be able to work a 40-hour week.

The troupe is designed to blend performance with behind-the-scenes roles to create a team that can perform on-stage as well as operational tasks, but its primary role will be creative.

Teatru Malta artistic director Sean Buhagiar said: “The idea came from observing the versatility and adaptability of local artists who also perform and manage various logistical tasks or have other jobs in the creative or non-creative sphere, which they still enjoy and help them to make a living.”

Teatru Malta was inspired by the concept of the circus to structure the troupe’s roles and tasks. The performers would be on stage but also help with other tasks behind the stage. Buhagiar said the troupe could expect to perform roles such as acting, directing, dramaturgy, content creation, project management, dancing, writing, translating, proofreading, web management, social media management, or videography.

We want the opportunity to be flexible- Artistic director Sean Buhagiar

“We want the opportunity to be flexible to produce an avant-garde classical piece with only some members of this ensemble, to produce a festival, translate scripts, create shows for or with the communities and more,” said Buhagiar.

The performers must have significant experience in theatrical quality-led performances and possess all-round performance skills, including acting, dancing and singing. They must be 18 years or older, and proficient in Maltese and English.

The system of full-time ensemble actors is routine practice throughout theatres in Europe. In fact, ŻfinMalta has had a full-time dancer company since its formation. Theatre practitioners who spoke to Times of Malta praised Teatru Malta’s efforts for the initiative, with many saying it was about time.

The initial contract will be for 12 months, starting in September but, beforehand, there will be an initial research and development phase throughout the summer. Buhagiar also said the potential exists for a medium- to long-term relationship after that. Those engaged will have a 40-hour flexible working week and remote working. The annual salary is €25,000 excluding VAT.

The application closing date is June 17.

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