The tenor will perform at the fourth edition of the show in St George’s Square, Valletta, on August 30, alongside tenor Alan Sciberras, soprano Nadia Vella and the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra. The evening will feature captivating arias and ensembles, celebrating the power of the human voice.

Performing in Opera in the Capital in Valletta is a deeply meaningful experience for Cliff Zammit Stevens, who now calls Malta home.

The tenor will perform a selection of pieces close to his heart, including Quanto è Bella from L’Elisir d’Amore, La Vie en Rose, and All I Ask of You from The Phantom of the Opera.

“Each of these pieces holds a special place in my heart, as they span different genres yet share a common thread of expressing deep emotion,” Zammit Stevens says.

Quanto è Bella captures the essence of youthful love and reminds me of the simple, universal joys of life.”

La Vie en Rose resonates with Zammit Stevens on a personal level due to its romantic sentimentality.

“It speaks of love in its most idealised form, something that everyone can relate to,” he says.

 All I Ask of You blends the operatic intensity he loves with the accessible beauty of musical theatre.

“Performing these pieces together is like taking the audience on a journey through different shades of love and passion,” he continues.

One of the highlights of his performance will be his song Fil-Qrib, which earned him third place in this year’s Mużika Mużika festival and received high critical acclaim.

Fil-Qrib is close to my heart, not just because of its success, but because of its strong message – that no matter what you’ve been through in life, there is always that person or situation you can rely on for safety and comfort,” he shares.

 This contemporary Maltese piece alongside classical opera selections allows the tenor to connect personally with his audience.

“It showcases the versatility and richness of our musical tradition and highlights how timeless emotions – whether expressed in a modern song or a centuries-old aria − can resonate deeply with the audience.”

Cliff Zammit StevensCliff Zammit Stevens

Most significant lesson

Reflecting on his education at the Royal College of Music, Zammit Stevens credits his time there with shaping his career.

“It provided me with a solid technical foundation, but more importantly, it instilled in me a deep respect for the discipline and artistry required in this profession,” he says.

Music has the power to connect us on a deeper level

The most significant lesson he carries from those years is the importance of authenticity in performance.

“No matter how technically perfect a piece might be, it’s the emotional truth behind it that resonates with an audience,” he notes.

Diverse repertoire

Zammit Stevens’s operatic repertoire is very diverse, covering roles from the tragic Otello to the light-hearted Tamino. This diversity reflects his passion for exploring the depths of human emotion through varied characters.

“Opera fascinates me because it blends deep emotions with powerful stories. I enjoy the challenge of portraying a variety of characters,” he says. “Each role, whether it’s Otello or Tamino, has its own unique emotional journey.”

To prepare for a role, the tenor delves into the character’s history and emotions, emphasising the importance of understanding the human elements that make each character relatable.

“I study the history and feelings of each character, train my voice and reflect on how I can relate to their experiences. Understanding what makes each character human is key to performing them authentically,” he says.

The tenor feels humbled by international critics’ accolades, such as “a revelation” and “showing exceptional promise”, yet feels profound responsibility.

“Being recognised by international critics is truly an honour and a humbling experience,” he says.

“These accolades push me to continually refine my craft and approach each performance with even more dedication and passion.”

Zammit Stevens is also reminded of his duty not just to opera but to his audience.

“They motivate me to give my absolute best and deliver a performance that meets the expectations of those who have supported me throughout my journey.”

‘Unity through art’

As he prepares for Opera in the Capital, Zammit Stevens is especially excited about the event’s unique blend of operatic music and the historical charm of Valletta.

“Performing in such a historic and vibrant city adds a layer of magic to the experience,” he says.

“The message I want to convey to the audience is one of unity through art. Music has the power to transcend boundaries and connect us on a deeper level. I’m looking forward to taking them on this emotional journey and creating lasting memories together.”

Opera in the Capital is produced by the Valletta Cultural Agency. Visit and the agency’s Facebook page for more information. Tickets are available at

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