Terrorism is the Malta Security Service's (MSS) top priority, even though the threat of a terrorist attack in the country is low, a report tabled in parliament on Monday says.   

"Without doubt, terrorism is considered at the top of the agenda of the MSS. This is because of the substantial negative consequences that come from terrorism," the MSS annual report for 2022 says.

"There was no intelligence that suggests that any individual or group in Malta have an intention or the ability to commit a terrorist act in Malta or against Maltese interests abroad," it says.  

The MSS's role is to protect the country against organised crime, espionage, terrorism, sabotage, and actions aimed to destroy or hinder parliamentary democracy through political, industrial, or political means.  

According to the legislation that regulates it, the MSS should function for Malta's economic well-being and the protection of the public's security.

Attached files

In its report, MSS says that stopping terrorist plots is becoming more difficult as terrorists are more likely to work on their own and plan smaller and simpler attacks.  

The report adds that instability in neighbouring countries, such as Libya, meant that the service needed to "maintain a high level of vigilance constantly". 

Cooperation with law enforcement, exchanging information with foreign countries, and a programmes to fight online radicalisation is how MSS will fight against terrorism, the report says.  

In May, a group of seven young men from Syria was taken to court facing terrorism-related charges. A further three were arraigned in October. The men were accused of spreading extremist propaganda, teaching others how to operate firearms and explosives and attempting to recruit people to commit acts of terrorism.    

The MSS report said that terrorist organisations are taking advantage of instability in the Middle East and North Africa.  

"Terrorists are trading illicitly in drugs, arms, and human beings to finance their organisations". Malta's closeness to the region means the country can be indirectly affected, the report said.   

Organised crime 

The MSS also reported that as part of its activities it provided intelligence to the police and customs that resulted in important discoveries of drugs and cash.

Besides uncovering crime, the MSS said it hindered other illegal operations, which hurt the bottom line of criminal groups.    

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