The number of tertiary-level graduates in 2020 dropped by five per cent over the previous year, national data shows.

In all, 4,629 graduated last year, the National Statistics Office said on Wednesday. 

The largest share of tertiary graduates (55.5 per cent) attained a Bachelor's degree qualification (ISCED level six), followed by 35.8 per cent of total tertiary graduates who read for a Master's degree (ISCED level 7).

More than half - 56 per cent - were women, while the absolute majority - 61.1 per cent  - were aged between 20 and 24.

Foreign graduates totalled 664 - equivalent to 14.3 per cent of total tertiary-level graduates, increasing by 1.2 percentage points over the previous year.

Business, administration and law were the most popular, accounting for more than one-third of the total.

This was followed by health and welfare, and education graduates.

Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary was the least popular field of education among tertiary graduates

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