Reflecting on the recent whirlwind experience on TVM’s Shark Tank, where my vision for a revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI)-powered traffic management system was met with a humbling endorsement, I feel filled with a sense of profound responsibility and exhilaration.

Securing €1.3 million in funding from the esteemed Mark Bajada, a top entrepreneur whose values and principles echo my own, has been a validating milestone. Mark’s journey as a self-made man, his entrepreneurial spirit, and his commitment to innovation and ethical business practices resonate deeply with my philosophy.

As the former mayor of Valletta for more than a decade and a lifelong advocate for responsible stewardship, I have always believed in making the most of every process and squeezing every ounce of potential for the benefit of the community. This belief is the cornerstone of the Digital Traffic Brain project.

Yes, there are multiple solutions to traffic, and our project is one of them. However, the difference is that rather than advocating lengthy and costly infrastructural improvements, we can gather the lower-hanging fruits by optimising and improving what we already have using AI.

This initiative is more than just a response to the immediate challenges of congestion and pollution; it’s a proactive stride towards a smarter, more sustainable future.

The scepticism and concerns raised are a healthy part of every process and warrant thoughtful consideration. However, I am confident that we can significantly improve the current system with this project. Our vision extends beyond Malta; it’s a model that can adapt and thrive in diverse urban landscapes, offering a blueprint for cities worldwide to reimagine their approach to traffic management.

The Digital Traffic Brain isn’t just a collection of tools and software; it’s an AI, designed to adapt, learn and react to the ever-changing rhythms of roads.

The core of this transformation is the Real-Time Traffic Monitoring and Analysis module. It’s like the system’s eyes and ears, constantly gathering data from an army of traffic cameras and sensors spread across the island.

These sensors feed information to an AI brain that interprets traffic conditions in real time, turning raw data into actionable insights.

This is where the magic happens. Using advanced algorithms, the AI adjusts traffic light timings, tidal lanes and other control measures to optimise traffic flow.

It’s like having an orchestra conductor, ensuring each vehicle moves in harmony with others, reducing congestion in the process, and enhancing the journey experience.

But the system doesn’t stop there. It also plays the role of a vigilant guardian. Picture a scenario where a driver runs a red light. In the blink of an eye, the system identifies the violation using advanced image recognition and alerts the local authorities. We want to cultivate a culture of safety and responsibility on the roads, reducing the number of fatal accidents once and for all.

Yet, we all accept that minor accidents are a part of road life. But now, thanks to this system, the response will be swift and efficient. The system alerts the relevant authorities when an incident occurs, significantly reducing the response time. It also informs other road users in real time, advising them to take alternative routes, thus decreasing further congestion and enhancing safety.

It’s like having an orchestra conductor, ensuring each vehicle moves in harmony with others- Alexiei Dingli

Meanwhile, the system extends its benefits to public transport by dynamically helping to optimise bus and ferry schedules. This ensures that services are efficient and responsive to the commuting public’s needs, reducing wait times and overcrowding. The system will use the existing infrastructure better, thus reducing overall costs.

Once the system is in place, the Dynamic Traffic Signages, which are located around the island, come to life. These signs will provide real-time updates on road conditions and inform commuters of public transport schedules. It’s like having a personal travel guide, ensuring you’re always informed and never left stranded.

But the system’s vision extends beyond the immediate horizon. It will constantly look for unusual patterns and potential issues before they become problems.

During emergencies, the Emergency Response Coordination and Real-Time Public Communication features ensure a coordinated response, rerouting traffic and keeping the public informed, a crucial element in crises.

The system goes beyond mere traffic management; it harnesses the power of a specialised app, seamlessly integrating with existing navigation solutions.

This integration allows for a more holistic approach to route planning. By analysing a wealth of data, the app doesn’t just redirect traffic but intelligently balances the network, offering alternative pathways to avoid overburdening the same roads.

Furthermore, this system provides invaluable insights to insurance companies, enabling them to distinguish between regular and aggressive drivers. This data will allow these companies to design fairer, more personalised insurance plans, rewarding conscientious commuters and promoting safer driving habits.

The Digital Traffic Brain is poised to be a game changer for Malta and a blueprint for global urban centres grappling with traffic woes.

With Europe facing a staggering €270 billion annual cost due to traffic congestion and Malta bearing a €400 million yearly toll, the urgency for innovative solutions is palpable.

This AI-driven system beats traditional traffic management, offering a scalable, dynamic solution that aims for a safer, greener and more efficient future. It’s a bold step towards tackling a multi-billion euro challenge, marking a significant leap in our journey to a smarter, sustainable world.

Alexiei Dingli is a professor of artificial intelligence at the University of Malta.

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