Robots taking over humanity has been a popular theme for science-fiction writers, who like to delve into the dangers and ethical issues of such a revolution. However, some of these fantastical stories are starting to feel more like reality.

In some form or another, more and more people are interacting with robots and artificial intelligence on a daily basis, whether this be a voice-powered assistant, like Siri or Alexa, or perhaps personalised adverts on the internet.

However, behind the scenes, a more subtle revolution is happening in the manufacturing industry with the growth of ‘collaborative robots’ (cobots).

On Wednesday, Malta Café Scientifique is hosting Emmanuel Francalanza, an expert who has worked with industries that adapt conventional manufacturing machines into cyber physical systems, to discuss the subject. Among others, he will tackle how this new technology may affect the job experience and its ethical and social implications.

The event is taking place on Wednesday, February 3, at Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta. Entrance is free but booking is required. For more information and tickets, log on to

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