Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821), a diplomat in the post-French Revolution period, was an ardent monarchist, a supporter of the social hierarchy and a key figure in Counter-Enlightenment. He is not recognised as a champion of democratic principles, however, he is ascribed as the author of the famous quote that “Every nation has the government it deserves”, which remains very relevant.

If a country has a bad government, it is because its population is either complacent or complicit.

Corruption has many faces: it includes bribery, trading in influence, abuse of office, nepotism and conflict of interest. It has a high economic and social price tag. Often, the cost of corruption is greater than the sum of the money lost to the country. It prevents a state from promoting the common good and encouraging sustainable and inclusive growth.

This is true of many countries. The recently published Corruption Perceptions Index report by Transparency International speaks volumes. Sadly, the report reveals that our country is not spared from the insidious tentacles of corruption. The report also states that the problem is not being taken seriously and that the situation is deteriorating.

Many have become numb to the issue as almost no day goes by without a journalist exposing a case of a scandal caused by corruption. Many other forms of corruption even occur on seemingly inconsequential matters, as people think it is okay to capitalise on an opportunity by bribing their way through.

Malta’s recent FATF greylisting also demonstrates the gravity of the issue of the exchange of money related to corruption.

Corruption is a challenge for society as a whole- Claudio Farrugia

St Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, stated that, unless corruption is eradicated and there is “free and responsible participation of all citizens in public affairs, in the rule of law and in respect for the promotion of human rights… the development of the whole individual and of all people cannot be guaranteed”.

The Church has not been spared from corruption. Last year, Pope Francis dismissed Cardinal Angelo Becciu for alleged corruption in connection with a €350 million luxury property contract in London. A Vatican judge ordered the cardinal and nine others to stand trial this month.

Pope Francis likens corruption to sugar: it’s sweet, we like it but it ends badly. The pope often repeats a phrase used by early Church fathers, who referred to the abuse of money and corruption as the “devil’s dung”.

Last month, Pope Francis issued a decree tightening the rules on the Vatican in securing contracts. The new rules removed any form of protection for Vatican officials, including high-ranking clergy, if they are suspected of any wrongdoing. Among these new regulations, all Vatican employees are now obliged to declare any gifts in excess of €40.

Corruption is a challenge for society as a whole. There is a great temptation to take advantage of power for personal gain. We have become too accustomed to putting a price on everything and this runs the risk of degrading and corrupting these same things.

Michael Sandel, in his book What Money Can’t Buy, argues that corruption is not limited to an illicit payoff to a public official but “we corrupt a good, an activity,or a social practice whenever we treat it according to a lower norm than is appropriate to it”.

The government and society must really believe in the need to uphold and promote the values of honesty and dignity. Unless that happens, no matter what legislation is passed, corruption will always find a way to circumvent any kind of restriction.

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