Sir Paul Boffa Hospital, former King George V (KGV) Hospital, is not only a military building but it was initially opened in 1922 as a memorial to the men of the Merchant Navy who died in World War I. The building was severely damaged in 1942 during World War II, and although there had been a temporary halt due to air raid bombardment, the hospital services were never interrupted.

The memorial was then rebuilt in 1948 under the premiership of Paul Boffa and renamed Sir Paul Boffa Hospital in 1976. Indeed, this building has been in existence for over 50 years, and out of all the naval hospitals in Malta to date it is only Zammit Clapp Hospital and Boffa Hospital that still maintain a medical function. In addition, many may not be aware that the chapel at Boffa Hospital is adorned with beautiful British stained glass windows and an interesting feature is that a lintel above a door on the ground floor is a stone taken from the Houses of Parliament in London.

I strongly believe that Boffa Hospital too forms part of our cultural heritage, and irrespective of the fact that the building had become the property of the Maltese government it nonetheless "belongs" to us all. Hence this asset should be adequately protected and conserved.

Needless to say that over the years thousands of people needed to make use of the specialised medical services at Boffa Hospital. I am pretty positive that both patients and their loved ones do appreciate not only the dedicated staff and the medical services provided, but also the simple aspects such as the hospital's central location and setting, the very pleasant Grand Harbour views, the comfortable rooms (not cubicles) and the peacefulness to mention a few.

Indeed, after decades of preserving this memorial including its historical and landmark value as well as in keeping the hospital up and running, it is quite a shame that Boffa Hospital is now under threat of losing its traditional character and (especially) its use due to a proposed development.

I wonder how many of us deem it better to turn Boffa Hospital into yet another hotel. On this matter, I believe my grandpa would have said: "How funny!"

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