A boundary wall adjacent to a busy St Paul's Bay road could collapse with potentially fatal consequences, residents have warned.

Infrastructure Malta said the entity has taken note of the danger and will start repair works "in the coming days".

Parts of a wall along St Paul’s Bay bypass in Xemxija is visibly leaning outwards, with some large stone blocks dislodged. 

Police tape and signs warning 'danger' have been placed around the wall.

The wall has been in a precarious state for some time, but the police tape and sign are recent additions.

Police tape has been placed around the wall, and signs reading 'Danger' has been affixed to it. Photo: Matthew MirabelliPolice tape has been placed around the wall, and signs reading 'Danger' has been affixed to it. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

A Times of Malta reader expressed concerns about the safety risks of the road. 

"The wall is about to crash over into the road, and the rocks could kill somebody, especially with the anticipated September heavy rains," the reader said.

An Infrastructure Malta spokesperson said while the wall belongs to a "third party", the road is the responsibility of the agency.

"We will start with repair works in the coming days," the spokesperson said. 

St Paul's Bay mayor Censu Galea said: "If the wall collapses, there is no doubt it could be dangerous, and some of the stones on site will end up on the street."

Partial road closure for repair works

On Wednesday, Infrastructure Malta announced it would be starting emergency works on the retaining wall. 

To ensure safety, part of the lane in the direction from Burmarrad to Xemixijja will be closed while works are ongoing and only one lane will remain open to traffic. 

The works are planned to be completed by the end of next week. 

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