Like me, I know that there are many issues on which many of you would like to see change happen here in Malta and in Europe.

Going around Malta these past few months, listening to young people from the National Youth Council, at Junior College, university and on the Children’s and Young People’s council, I’ve heard how many of us care about making sure everyone should have access to an income that ensures a decent livelihood and about being able to achieve a healthy balance between work and life outside work.

I know many of us care deeply about equality and human rights in our country, so that everyone, whether we were born in Malta or came to this country, are treated with dignity and respect every day.

Young people like me are also very concerned about climate change, they can see that Malta is not doing enough to counter irreversible damage, and they know that it is at the EU that we can make our voices count on this matter.

The problem is that, at this moment, our ability to make progress on these critical issues is at stake. The balance of power is not swinging towards more social protection, real action to protect our planet, or cohesion in our communities. Instead, the trend in Europe is towards more authoritarian rules, more restrictions and less support for the most vulnerable and marginalised among us.

This is most recently witnessed in the Netherlands where the liberals of Prime Minister Mark Rutte – the VVD party – decided to enter a coalition government which includes the far-right Party for Freedom led by Geert Wilders. Additionally, the European People’s Party in the European Parliament, which MEPs Roberta Metsola and David Casa form part of, the EPP Group, refused to sign a declaration last week which would reject cooperation with far-right and radical parties in the next five years.

We need Europe to remain a beacon for social progress, equality and climate action- Mina Jack Tolu

That is why it matters so much that we all use our vote in the upcoming EU elections to send as many progressive voices to Brussels as possible. We need Europe to remain a beacon for social progress, equality and climate action. Voting for progressive candidates, like all candidates of ADPD – The Green Party, means voting for policies that ensure fair wages, protect our environment, uphold human rights and support those in need.

I am running to be a member of the European Parliament because I want to make a difference for our community at this critical moment for Europe. I’ve been active in the European Green Party since 2018. Over those years, I’ve learned how to navigate the complexities of EU politics and institutions, and I’ve built alliances that can turn progressive ideas into tangible results.

There’s more for me to learn, of course but, if you give me your support, I’ll use my voice as loudly as possible alongside other progressives to defend a Europe that is social, human, just and sustainable.

Your vote is powerful. By electing progressive candidates, you help shape a future where everyone can thrive, where our planet is protected and where human rights are respected. Together, we can make a difference. On June 8 vote for ADPD.

Mina Jack Tolu is an ADPD MEP candidate in the European Parliament elections.

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