I remember vividly Eddie Fenech Adami making a relative public apology to "all those hurt" before the referendum on Malta's entry to the European Union. He rose above the political fray and notwithstanding the delicate moment, asked the people to shed their differences and manifest unity behind his European vision. The people responded positively, my family and I included.

I also followed Joseph Muscat apologising for the events that happened on Black Monday, some 30 years ago.

I admired his political maturity in taking this courageous stand, notwithstanding he was too young to remember these horrific events. I admired him even more because he was doing this officially and on behalf of the party he now leads.

So when I read in The Times that Dr Muscat was assuming responsibility for a comment uttered by his MP about Mario Galea's alleged problems, I could not but admire him again for his sense of political maturity. It is this sense of genuine trust and political accountability that people admire most in politicians. Not podium oratory, not even past electoral success, but indeed the ability to rise above the political fray and convey an honest message, accepting responsibility for something that went wrong, and in so doing sending a clear message that justice and honesty are core values that can never be betrayed.

The events that unfolded in Parliament in recent days, the way the PN's members of Parliament cast doubt on an MP's vote and the steadfast refusal to apologise for doing so, and finally the way the PM himself is rubbishing the claims of widespread corruption in a multi-million euro contract, have depicted a clearer picture of this government than ever before - an arrogant, power-hungry administration wants to cling to power breaking all the boundaries of political decency.

Politically accountable politicians are a rare breed, particularly in this country. So far Dr Muscat has proved to be one of them.

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