Employee retention is one of the common HR buzzwords in today’s competitive marketplace. And the best way to improve your organisation’s employee retention rates is by investing in employee engagement.
Employee engagement is the ability to cement an emotional bond between the employee and your company or organisation. The stronger that bond, the more likely your employee will stick around for the long haul. Employee engagement also makes for a more motivated employee, that is ready and willing to go above and beyond the call of duty.
The objective here is to make an employee feel cared for and appreciated by your organisation. Giving a gift that bears your logo or personal message is a great way to build a long-lasting link between the act of giving, and your company or brand. It allows for a positive associational bond in the mind of the recipient every time they use or come across the gifted item.
Branded Malta now has gone one step further in the personalised gift experience and is proud to offer individualised customisation. This means that besides getting your company logo printed on the product, you can also place the name of the individual. This sends a strong message to your employee that to your company, they are unique.
Giving generates important, and sometimes sentimental experiences for staff. To help create the right experiential vibe you can also opt for personalised packaging for your gifts. Showing an added layer of care does not go unnoticed by employees. And if you would like your employees to go that one step further, there’s no better route than to lead by example. Customised gifts allow you to show them you would also go that step further for them.
Getting it right is an important part of using gifting to create an emotional bond with employees. For this reason Branded Malta has teamed up with XD to offer design and quality customised gifts to help you create moments with people. Those moments are an opportunity to show you care about them. And therein is a great opportunity to make them keep caring about your organisation.