The Malta Chamber of Psychologists (MCP) is organising a third forum on the theme of the ‘Psychology of Addictions’, as part of its series of fora on various topics. Once again, this event is open to both MCP members, as well as non-members and the public in general.

The forum, which will be granting participants five CPD hours as well as a certificate of attendance, will be held on September 13, between 3 and 6pm at the Qawra Palace Hotel.

Addiction is often described as the inability to control doing, taking or using something to a level that is harmful to an individual. In clinical terms, addiction is a progressive disorder that affects the brain’s reward, motivation and memory. It is characterised by an inability to control behaviour and causes dysfunctional emotional responses.

Examples of addiction include substance addiction, such as alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, cocaine; as well as non-substance addiction, that is activities that a person indulges in, including gambling, shopping, gaming and others.

The MCP forum will be discussing various aspects of addictions and the psychological effects on people and communities. A number of speakers with a professional interest in this topic and the psychology behind it will be taking part in this forum. 

Addiction is a progressive disorder

These include John Tabone, senior executive in player protection at the Malta Gaming Authority; Anna Maria Vella, a public health specialist and consultant with a special interest in addiction medicine; Erika Galea, founder and director of the Educational Neuroscience Hub Europe; Matthew Berry, who has an extensive career in the field of addiction in voluntary, forensic, adult and youth settings; Stephanie Cascun, who is the coordinator for preventative services at Sedqa; as well as Anna Catania, who is a warranted counsellor and a qualified psychosexual and relationship therapist.

For more information on the forum and to register, visit The fee for MCP members is €25 and €30 for non-MCP members.

This is the third forum organised by the MCP, following the first one held on ‘Collective Trauma’ in May and the second one on the ‘Psychology of Corruption’ held in June.

The main objective of the MCP is to act as a professional body for the discipline of psychology in Malta and as a representative body for psychologists practising in Malta. It also aims to advance the practice of psychology in Malta and to make psychology accessible to all.

The MCP prioritises the promotion of psychologists’ and psychology graduates’ general welfare. The chamber serves as a common platform for psychologists and psychology graduates practising in the Maltese islands. As a registered union, the chamber works hard towards the maintenance and improvement of psychologists’ and psychology graduates’ conditions of work.

For more information and to become a member, visit

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