A compilation of some of the comments and controversial statements made in The Sunday Times interview slot in 2011.

“Gonzi is an extremist, and this makes him weak”

Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat (November 6)

“I’ve a record of distinguishing between my faith, which I treasure, and my responsibility as a personin politics”

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (January 23)

“Our divorce stand is not a conservative decision which alienates the liberal element within our party”

PN General Secretary Paul Borg Olivier (February 20)

“I was frustrated by certain decisions to grant bail to people who have a long history of crime”

Assistant Police Commissioner Pierre Calleja (February 13)

“The people (in detention) here didn’t commit a crime. They sleep, they wake up, and they’re allowed outside for one hour”

Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie (June 26)

“Having a brother who criticised Gaddafi was enough for the secret police to constantly ­follow and interrogate me”

Libyan protester Yousef Lamlum (March 27)

“We need to get away from the idea that the West is trying to impose a Western view on North Africa”

Former British Defence Secretary Liam Fox (March 13)

“Unfortunately the media world doesn’t focus on music anymore”

Pop idol James Blunt (March 20)

“I was caught in a small trap”

Malta football striker Michael Mifsud (September 18)

“There has been a move towards sidelining liberal-minded individuals in the PN”

MP and pro-divorce campaigner Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (June 5)

“We’ve won two elections in the past 10 years with Austin Gatt being ‘arrogant’ all the way. People don’t vote for Austin Gatt”

Transport Minister Austin Gatt (October 16)

“I’m the voice of the electorate”

Nationalist MP Franco Debono (November 13)

“For 40 years I’ve been asked for donations by both parties – I helped both equally”

Construction magnate Zaren Vassallo (April 24)

“As long as they’re happy someone at the top can create discipline, I don’t think they care what money I get”

Air Malta CEO Peter Davies (June 12)

“Schools these days have to serve as a teacher, father, mother, babysitter, psychologist...”

St Aloysius’ College rector Fr Patrick Magro (May 1)

“At 56, I have finally allowed myself to do what I really feel inside of me”

Singer Zucchero (June 19)

“He would crouch and start kissing me”

Clerical abuse victim Joseph Magro (August 7)

“The female bodyguard refused Gaddafi’s advances and he raped her”

Benghazi-based psychologist Seham Sergewa (August 28)

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