A man charged with stealing over €4,000 from Gzira local council told a clerk who stopped him before walking in that he had gone to “clean up” the place.

Magistrate Nadine Lia heard Rittmar Hatherly, 36, from Valletta plead not guilty to stealing €4,749 from the council. He was also charged with stealing €60 and two Tallinja cards from Ta’ Tereza hotel in Sliema on August 29.

Police Inspector Shamus Woods, prosecuting, said that a theft had been reported at the temporary offices of Gzira local council and CCTV footage led police to Hatherly.

The inspector said that a clerk told him that €4,749 in cash and €1,000 in cheques were stolen. The clerk said he had stopped a man who was walking in and asked what he wanted. “He said he had gone to clean up, and clean up he did,” the inspector said.

Hatherly was remanded in custody after the magistrate noted that he had a drug addiction problem and recommended that he be given the help he needs while in preventive custody.

Lawyer Luke Valletta appeared for the accused.

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